Public Safety & Emergency Management Services
Johnsonville Fire District Special Election
Johnsonville Volunteer Fire-Rescue EMS, CO
Pittstown Volunteer Emergency Corps
Raymertown Fire District
43 Mason Lane
Troy, NY 12180
Troy, NY 12180
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Raymertown Fire District Notice of Annual Election
Raymertown Fire District Request for Proposal
Rensselaer County Hazardous Mitigation Plan
Jan 8 2019
The 2011 Renssealer County Hazardous Mitigation Plan is being updated. The town of Pittstown passed a resolution on Dec 10.2018 to participate and have are representative on the county wide planning group. The town of Pittstown and the other municipalities have been impacted by natural hazards in the past.
June 13,2019
The proposed HMP mitigation initiatives have been sent for review.
Th creek at Country Acres, North Pole Rde, Peter Hansen Lane and creek near Groveside have been submitted on the list for consideration in the future.